Erogenous zones
Erogenous zones have been the subject of consideration by many sexologists and psychotherapists of the past and present. Thus, the well-known sexologist Sebibykh said that when massaging certain areas of the body, namely the most sensitive ones, three basic rules should be followed: selectivity, compatibility and consistency. Do not randomly massage certain parts of the body to find out what movements and caresses your partner likes. You must carefully study his body, follow his reaction, then you can accurately determine his sensual place.
Every person is unique. Erogenous zones are also different for each person. The sensitivity of the same parts of the body for each man and for each woman is different, therefore, with erotic massage it is better to act on those areas that are most excited. For those who have decided to try erotic massage Kyiv for the first time, I would like to note that stimulation should begin with less sensitive areas, gradually turning into more sensual ones. Thus, sexual arousal will gradually increase. Simultaneous exposure to several erogenous zones will help achieve the same effect.
A lot – good – too bad.
It is bad when the partner is only about himself. But it is even worse when he is rude, inattentive, or wants too much from irritation of only one erogenous zone.
Erogenous zones are the endings of nerves, and they obey certain laws of the functioning of the nervous system, including the law of overexcitation. With a sufficiently long stimulation and overexcitation of the nerves, the sensitivity of the erogenous zone is turned off, and the person suddenly feels that, due to strong excitement, he does not cause any emotions. In such cases, you need to rest in the stimulation zone.
In such a delicate matter as erotic massage, there are no universal recipes and mandatory methods. Do not be afraid to improvise, act instinctively, listening carefully to your own feelings and the reactions of your loved one. If you want, just touch it with your inner thighs, belly, chest and arms, making soft, smooth, circular and longitudinal movements or act more actively if you feel that this is what is expected of you. To make your hands glide easy and smooth, use massage oil, adding to it the aroma of a few drops of another – from flowers and herbs: rose, jasmine, thyme, lavender, rosemary, sandalwood. These smells help to relax and aggravate the sensitivity to caresses.
In the erogenous “geography” men and women have much in common, but there are differences. Erogenous zones in men tend to be more localized than in women. There are many more places on the female body that respond to caresses. These are the auricles, the back of the head and the armpits. Very susceptible to caressing the waist and above the hips, reaching to the middle of the abdomen. The inner side of the thighs is especially responsive to gentle touches rising from the knees to the groin. A gentle influence on the biologically active points located on the inner thighs often leads to excitement in partners. The geography of erogenous zones in certain parts of the body is described when describing the methods of their massage.
Remember that rude and inept stimulation of the erogenous zone or causing pain in this area not only does not give pleasure to the partner, but can also permanently destroy the erogenous zone!
For a massage or the feeling of intimacy that followed was especially nice, feel free to say what you like and don’t like. Franken makes intimate massage more sensual and beautiful, and the excitement deep.